Major Projects Framework 2 for Procurement Hub launches today
Procurement Hub, part of Places for People, has launched its new Major Projects Framework following the appointment of Farrans to Lot 3 (Northern Ireland) in January 2022.
Major Projects Framework 2 (MPF2) is a fully compliant framework for all types of construction projects within the UK Public Sector. The £4.2 billion framework is now in its second generation, building upon the success and strengths of the previous framework and provides all types of construction work for a range of sectors from housing, health, transport, education and more.
Features of the framework include
- transparent and low framework fees, which reduce for larger project values
- 100% of fees generated will be donated to charities, support social value projects, or be reinvested directly into the public sector
- low Carbon alternatives presented
- 100% renewable energy used on every site
- a minimum of 85% of project values will be available to local supply chains and SMEs
- mandated Modern Slavery Awareness training for contractors on each project
- fast payment of sub-contractors (within 19 days)
- up to eight jobs created per £5m of project value
- immediate starts to projects – no further competitions required
- support from Procurement Hub’s dedicated framework management team.
The agreement will run for an initial four-year period, with the option for it to be extended for a further two years. The framework has been established with three regional lots covering Scotland, England and Wales, and Northern Ireland.
This unique framework in partnership with Farrans, Willmott Dixon and Robertson sets out to be the most socially conscious, greenest, financially robust, and flexible framework available, enabling members to benefit in all areas of procurement.