Bingham Junction opens as A52 Nottingham Junctions project progresses
Our recent works to improve the Bingham Road junction on the A52 at Radcliffe on Trent have been completed and the road opened for traffic on 29 July 2022.
We are working in a joint venture with Alun Griffiths as GFJV delivering improvements to four junctions on the A52 on behalf of National Highways in the Midlands.
This scheme is part of the government’s Road Investment Strategy being rolled out by the Department of Transport, through National Highways, to improve traffic flow and journey time along the A52 and support economic growth for the East Midlands.
Previously at this junction there were two lanes in each direction, one of those lanes was used as a right-hand turning lane for traffic to access local side roads. This meant in practice there would often only be one lane for vehicles to continue along the A52 in each direction. We have now widened the road to allow vehicles to continue along the A52 using two dedicated lanes, whilst maintaining the right-hand turning lanes. This additional capacity at the junction will allow for improved journey time reliability, reduced congestion and reduced delays.
We also upgraded the crossing facilities at the junction to make it safer for pedestrians and cyclists.
Our team has worked as quickly as possible while trying to maintain traffic flow along the A52, keep people safe and reduce delays through the road works.
We still have a small amount of work to carry out which we’re planning to complete this in September. We’ll be planting some new trees in the copse between Bingham Road and the A52 Grantham Road. It’s important to do this when the weather is cooler, so that the new trees can take root and become established in their new location.
We also need to install different lighting columns and this will be done overnight with only a single lane closures, to minimise any inconvenience for road users.