Bridge leaves installation underway in Great Yarmouth
A major civil engineering operation is underway in Great Yarmouth today as the bridge leaves are installed at Herring Bridge.
Herring Bridge is being delivered by BAM Farrans Joint Venture for Norfolk County Council and it will be open to the public during the summer of 2023.
Two leaves of 45m by 24m are being installed during a 72 hour river possession which started at 08:00 21st March.
Each leaf weighs 700 tonnes and a further 500 tonnes of heavy weight concrete per leaf is poured to create the counter weight. When both leaves are up there will be 50m of navigable channel between to the two bascule chambers.
The east leaf took nine hours to install and the west leaf is happening now and should be in place this afternoon.
The construction stage started in January 2021 with the accommodation, enabling and demolition works. This is followed by the in river marine works and construction of the approach embankments which will support two underpass and the bascule bridge (opening bridge). Once complete the local road network will be upgraded with a five-arm roundabout and dual carriageway.
The bridge will link the A47 at Harfrey’s roundabout to the port and the enterprise zone on the other side of the river. It will ease traffic congestion on the town’s roads, shortening journey times and improving journey reliability, as well as supporting wider plans and work to maximise investment, regeneration and economic growth opportunities in the town and wider borough.