National Inclusion Week at Farrans
National Inclusion Week in the UK is a time to celebrate inclusion and take action to create more inclusive workplaces.
Equality, diversity and inclusion is vital to our business as we engage on the issues that are important to our clients, our suppliers and the communities in which we work.
This year, our Inclusion and Diversity journey is bigger and better than ever before. We have rolled out I&D in all of our Employee Inductions. Over 50 managers and business champions have taken part in I&D training, with 30 more taking part this week. I&D training will be rolling out across all our sites. We are also embarking on a data gathering mission through surveys and focus groups to make sure that we build a future strategy which is employee led.
We have used this week as an opportunity to look back at all that has been achieved already, including Farrans attending its first ever Pride celebrations this year, Family Friendly policies being implemented, alongside our Flexible Working policy. We have achieved IIP Gold and introduced Enhanced Maternity and Paternity packages. We have an award winning approach to mental health with our Have the Conversation programme. We have also established our DNA Network, an internal committee who are driving forward our I&D agenda.
You can find out more about I&D in Farrans here